Trip to Vienna

“Green Building Solutions”: Specializing in first-hand ecological knowledge and engineering expertise This summer, Professor Baher Farahat, in collaboration with the Green Building Solutions Summer School, had […]

Jury Defense

Masters Defense—Faculty of Architecture—Design and Built Environment (2023) The supervision and dissertation of Aya Shehab, a graduate student in the Urban Design and Planning program at […]

Meeting the New President of Beirut Arab University

On the graduation ceremony of the 60th cycle of the Arabic University of Beirut, a briefing meeting was held on September 2, 2023, with the new […]

Graduation Ceremony

Participation in the “60th” graduation ceremony of Beirut Arab University (BAU) on the university’s campus in Debbieh – Lebanon. The celebration was attended by the President […]

Meeting the Minister of Higher Education

A meeting was held in 2018 with the Minister of Higher Education, Khaled Abd El Kfar, at Beirut Arab University’s Debbieh campus in Lebanon where he […]

Meeting David Gloster

David Gloster, the RIBA Director of Education, visited Beirut Arab University in Lebanon in 2015 to share his expertise in architectural education. The event provided an […]

World Urban Forum WUF9

Participating in the events of the World Urban Forum WUF9 held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2018 provided a platform for discussions on urban development and […]

Lebanese Architect Awards

The Lebanese Architect Awards 2017 was held in Beirut under the sponsorship of the Federation of Lebanese Engineers, the Organization of Arab Architects, the UIA (International […]