Hasbaya Medical Center

Babylon Gardens
Karaytem Apartment

Hasbaya Medical Center

Location: Hasbaya, Lebanon.
Date: 2016.

When approached to design the medical center, we were inspired by the opportunity to create a space that would not only provide the highest quality of care to patients but also promote a sense of well-being and comfort. We recognize that hospitals can often be intimidating and stressful environments, particularly for patients who are already undergoing physical and emotional challenges. Therefore, we set out to create a space that would be calming, welcoming, and designed with the needs of patients and medical staff in mind.

To achieve this, we began by focusing on the natural flow of light and air throughout the medical cecenterWe knew that these elements were critical to the healing process so we designed the building to maximize natural light and ventilation. Our team carefully placed windows and skylights throughout the building to allow natural light to flood the space, creating a bright and uplifting atmosphere that would help patients feel more comfortable and relaxed during their stay.

We also incorporated a variety of green spaces throughout the medical center, from outdoor gardens to indoor plants, to create a sense of openness and remove the feeling of closeness that is often associated with hospitals. Our team took inspiration from the urban fabric to create a space that would be welcoming and calming, particularly for children who may be afraid of hospitals.

Throughout the creation process, we worked closely with healthcare professionals to ensure that the medical center would meet the unique needs of patients and medical staff. We carefully selected materials and finishes that would not only be beautiful but also functional and easy to maintain. We incorporated the latest technology and medical equipment to ensure that patients would receive the best possible care.

In addition to the medical facilities, we also designed spaces for patients and their families to rest and relax, including comfortable waiting areas, private rooms, and family lounges. We made sure that these spaces were designed with the same attention to detail as the medical facilities, using calming colors, natural materials, and comfortable furnishings to create a peaceful and welcoming environment.