Toward a New Vision to Design a Museum in Historical Places

Temporary Houses from Emergency to Sustainability
Toward a new vision to design in historical Cairo-Egypt

Toward a New Vision to Design a Museum in Historical Places

Publisher: HBRC Journal.
Type: Research Paper.
Date: January 28, 2016.

A new vision of designing a museum in historical places is not only a testament to the country's rich history and culture but also a testament to the power of community involvement and sustainable design. The paper explores the challenges of designing museums in historical places and proposes a new approach that takes into account the cultural and historical context of the site. The paper proposes a new approach to museum design that takes into account the cultural and historical context of the site. This approach involves conducting a thorough analysis of the site's history, cultural significance, and architectural features. The design of the museum is then informed by this analysis, to create a space that respects and enhances the historical and cultural significance of the site.

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